Saturday, April 2, 2011

5th Annual Wedding Bliss Bridal Gown Sale

I know I'm a little behind on the blogging... because we have big plans in the works!  But I still want to share with you something that took place 3 weeks ago...  The 5th Annual Wedding Bliss Bridal Gown Sale by New Beginnings Support Program.

New Beginnings is a charitable agency that has been working in the community to help improve the lives of women and children ‘in need’.  New Beginnings empowers women to become confident, self-sufficient, career-oriented and employable. This transition creates better lives for themselves, their children and their communities. Many job placement programs only prepare people for minimum wage employment with no further advancement.

In August a flood caused more than $100,000 in damages at New Beginnings. They lost over a years worth of wedding gown donations, records, furniture and office supplies.  They still have a long way to go to return to the fully functioning charity they once were.  To help them continue operations and continue to transform lives of women and children, all the proceeds from the 5th Annual Wedding Bliss Bridal Gown Sale go to their recovery efforts to get back on their feet.

A Timeless Celebration was in on the action!  We were an exhibitor and reception decor sponsor at Wedding Bliss.  It was really amazing seeing over 50 volunteers work so hard and pulling everything together.  Over 70 gowns were sold, more than $16,000 was raised and 100% of the proceeds will go directly to the New Beginnings Support Program.

Here are some photos and video of the Sale.  Enjoy!

Photos courtesy of Rudo&Kate Photography.

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